3 Arena / Fortress
Started |
To start
things off you need to have a Windows CD version of Quake
3 Arena to be able to copy the main game files from. You will
need to log into your box with root privileges and whenever
you want to setup or run the server you will need to be logged
in as root.
Copying Files
Off The CD  |
Now that
you are ready you need to create the directory for which you
wish to install the server. As a general idea most install
it to the /usr/local/games/quake3/
directory so you will need to create this and also create
the /usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3
directory. Once you have created these directories you are
ready to copy the information across from the CD. Firstly
you need to mount the CD-ROM e.g. mount
-t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
and then you can browse the CD. now you want to go to the
baseq3 directory on the CD and copy the pak0.pk3 (and make
sure that you only copy this file since you are using a Windows
CD the other files wont work and may cause you problems during
the installation process) file to your q3 servers baseq3 directory,
this is done by cd /mnt/cdrom/baseq3 and
then cp pak0.pk3 /usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3
Q3A & Q3F For Linux |
you have copied the file above you are ready to install your
server. You will need the following files which you can get
off the Internet very easily.
- You
need the latest point release of Quake 3 Arena for Linux,
e.g. linuxq3apoint-1.17.x86.run,
and put this in your quake3 directory and then chmod
u+x linuxq3apoint-1.17.x86.run
the file to give it executable permission.
- You
will also need the Quake 3 Fortress for Linux install, this
is alot easier as it automatically updates from within the
installation. This file is q3finstall.run
and can also be downloaded from the Internet. Once again you
will have to download this file to your quake3 directory and
chmod the file and give it executable permissions.
- Now
it is time to run the installations, the Q3A can simply be
done by ./linuxq3apoint-1.17.x86.run
which will do all the necessary creating of files. This must
be done before you install the Q3F files. Once this has been
installed you can then install the Q3F server similarly by
and following the instructions it give you. Firstly it will
require the installation directory for Quake 3 Arena which
is your /usr/local/games/quake3
directory. It will ask you if you would like to continue and
the will download the appropriate update file from a suitable
download location.
The Servers  |
the installation process is complete you will need to make
some configuration changes in order to customize your setup
to work the way you want. Firstly you will need to create
a server.cfg file for Q3A to run, this file should be in your
baseq3 directory. Here is a sample file:
// Server
q_qametype 4
seta sv_hostname "MAYHEM'S CTF SERVER"
seta sv_maxclients 16
capturelimit 8
timelimit 30
fraglimit 0
seta g_motd "* BORN TO FRAG *"
seta g_quadfactor 3
sv_pure 0
sv_maxRate 10000
seta g_inactivity 0
seta rconpassword "secret"
g_allowvote 1
set d1 "map q3ctf1 ; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "map q3ctf2 ; set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "map q3ctf3 ; set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "map q3ctf4 ; set nextmap vstr d1"
vstr d1
basically sets up the name for your server (hostname) and
the various details about it. It also tells the server which
order to rotate the maps.
You man
also wish to edit your /usr/local/games/quake3/q3f/q3f_server.cfg
file to give it a name and set the passwords for admin and
remote control of the server. This file is well documented
internally and should be quite straight forward as to how
you can edit it. But be careful as to what you change, anything
your not 100% sure of don't change as you may create security
The Servers |
Now that
the servers are setup they should be ready to run. Now depending
on what sort of server you want to run you will need to pass
different options when running your Quake 3 Dedicated Server.
I recommend writing a script that gives you quick choices
as to which server you want. Below is a quick script that
I wrote for mine, you will need to make this script executable
and change any directory that is different to yours, also
you will need to change the IP for your Internet connection.
My script is called q3serv
and is in my quake3 home directory for easy access, here is
the code:
# Quake 3 Dedicated Server Start Script
# Coded by Mayhem (C)2000
if ($#argv != 1) then
echo "USAGE: ./q3serv [ q3a_lan | q3_www | q3f_lan | q3f_www
else if ($argv[1] == "q3a_lan") then
echo "Starting Quake 3 Arena Dedicated LAN Server..."
./quake3 +set dedicated 1 +set com_hunkmegs 96 +set net_ip +set net_port 27695
else if ($argv[1] == "q3a_www") then
echo "Starting Quake 3 Arena Dedicated WWW Server..."
./quake3 +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg +set net_ip <internet_ip>
+set net_port 27695
else if ($argv[1] == "q3f_lan") then
echo "Starting Quake 3 Fortress Dedicated LAN Server..."
./quake3 +set dedicated 1 +set fs_game q3f +exec q3f_server.cfg
+set net_ip +set net_port 27695
else if ($argv[1] == "q3f_www") then
echo "Starting Quake 3 Fortress Dedicated WWW Server..."
./quake3 +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game q3f +exec q3f_server.cfg
+set net_ip <internet_ip> +set net_port 27695
echo "USAGE: ./q3serv [ q3a_lan | q3_www | q3f_lan | q3f_www
To make
the file you have just create executable you will have to
type chmod u+x q3fserv.
To run the server using this script all you need to do is
pass it the type of server you wish to run. e.g. for a Quake
3 Fortress Dedicated LAN Server you just execute the script
as follows: ./q3fserv
q3f_lan and it will run the appropriate server.
& Solutions 
One problem
that I had was when I ran the server I got this error message
"Error: Couldn't
load default.cfg", it took me hours to figure
out what was going wrong, and after locating a site that detailed
this error I found that when I installed the server I didn't
have the pak0.pk3 file in the correct directory (i.e. the
one I was trying to run the server from), so make sure you
install to the correct directory and that all files are contained
in the appropriate paths. The default.cfg file doesn't actually
exist, it is part of the pak file and the error message defaults
to this when the pak file can't be found.
problem you may have is when you run a Quake 3 Fortress Dedicated
WWW Server and you try and join the game from a computer on
your local network it will give you an message when trying
Apparently, this is only a problem for clients connecting
to a local Linux server. I found this fix and it worked for
me: Add
to the ''
line in /etc/hosts.
Now when you run the server you should be able to connect
from your LAN as well as others connecting from the Internet.
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